Monday, September 24, 2012

Hearing Aid Maintenance

Hearing aids are relatively simple to maintain. 

Keep hearing aid free of too much wax.  If your hearing aid goes silent, a common problem would be wax blockage.  You can easily clear this by changing the wax guard, or using the brush that came with your aid. 

Keep batteries fresh and change once a week.  Use only hearing aid batteries that are free of zinc.  I would recommend an American or German made batteries. 

If your hearing aid has a slim tube, then you must occasionally blow out wax from the tube.  Unscrew the tube from the aid, and used canned air to blow it out.  Then carefully screw it back on to the aid. 

For BTE's with an ear mold, be sure to have tubes changed when they start to get hard.  Tubes should be pliable for best fit.  This should be done at a hearing aid office. 

I will post a new video on hearing aid maintenance soon on my youtube channel.  You can easily access my youtube videos from my website

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